Respira Internet - Zendesk Partner & WhatsApp Connector (Marketplace App)

Madrid, Spain
Former Zendesk employees with a long trajectory in CRM and CX. Specialisation in Zendesk Support Suite & Sell implementations, and Applications & Integrations development. WhatsApp Connector creators for sending individual and bulk notifications through macros, triggers, automations, and CSVs. Use Zendesk in days, progressively improve its usage, and adopt the best practices around Customer Experience, Internal Support and Sales. Located in Spain and working globally.

Former Zendesk employees, certified consultants & specialised partners.

Improve your omnichannel Customer Experience and Sales, and communicate at scale through WhatsApp. Start to use Zendesk Suite and Zendesk Sell in days, and progressively adopt more functionalities, install useful public apps, and develop private integrations.

Install and use our WhatsApp Connector to send notifications combining Zendesk Suite with Zendesk Sunshine Conversations for starting and continuing conversations after 24h via individual and bulk notifications through WhatsApp.

On the Software development side, we efficiently deliver business applications that are designed through continuous two-way feedback and, therefore, developed in an efficient manner. This includes apps, plugins and integrations between Zendesk and other SaaS.

Over 15 years experience working internationally in the IT Services and Software industry. Long trajectory in CRM solutions for Sales and Customer Service. Main goals: satisfied customers, profitable projects, and an easier life for business and technology leaders.

Ex-empleados y Consultores Certificados de Zendesk y Partner Especializado.

Mejora la omnicanalidad de tu Experiencia de Cliente, Soporte y Ventas empezando a usar Zendesk en días y adoptando progresivamente más funcionalidades, instalando aplicaciones públicas privadas y desarrollando integraciones privadas.

Instala y usa nuestro WhatsApp Connector para enviar notificaciones combinando Zendesk Suite con Zendesk Sunshine Conversations para iniciar y continuar conversaciones después de 24 horas a través de notificaciones individuales y masivas a través de WhatsApp.

Desde el lado del Desarrollo de Software, entregamos eficientemente aplicaciones de negocio desarrolladas con una comunicación bidireccional continua. Esto incluye apps, plugins y integraciones entre Zendesk y otros SaaS.

Más de 15 años de experiencia trabajando internacionalmente en el sector del Software y Servicios de IT. Larga trayectoria en soluciones CRM para Ventas y Servicio al Cliente. Objetivos principales: clientes satisfechos, proyectos rentables, y una vida más fácil para los líderes empresariales y tecnológicos.


Badge: Advanced Solution Partner
Aangeboden services
Data Migration
Development Services
Design/Guide Theming
CX Consultant
Zendesk Sell Certified
Western Europe
Type partner
App Developer
Implementation Partner
Solution Provider
Theme developer

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