Split ‘n’ Close

Split and Close Tickets

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Preview image of app
Preview image of app

Informatie over app

Werkt met
totaal aantal installaties
SmallCubed Inc.
Prijs (USD)
Multiple plans available

Apps worden rechtstreeks in je account geïnstalleerd.

Pakketten en prijzen


Never pay a thing

Free plan features:

  • Create new ticket based on current one
  • Auto-fill from last comment
  • Creates link between tickets
  • Comment on original ticket
  • Append CCs to new ticket
  • Close ticket directly
  • Too large attachment handling

Free 10-day trial, then $3.00 per agent, per month

Premium plan includes all features from the Free plan, plus:

  • Pick comments, assignee & requester for new ticket
  • Custom fields support
  • Add attachments
  • Optionally add tags to new ticket
  • Designate default form
  • Allow administrator to disable close ticket feature

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